Crossposted from Unbound: A Journal of Christian Social Justice
Crimes against humanity are best carried out in secret. Terror can be inflicted, ethnic cleansing can be waged; torture can be committed — and in areas that the whole world is not already watching — who will even know? That’s the [...]
The USDA has decided in its infinite wisdom, despite pink slime and a few other debacles of the food industry, to test a program allowing chicken companies to check their own livestock and decide whether or not the chickens are safe to eat. The USDA claims this will save them tens of millions of dollars. Well, USDA, I can save you even more. If you’re going to let the chicken companies inspect their own chickens, just trash the whole program.
Action Coming — Spread The Word!
This is a Big Deal, just look at end of this post for the list of organizations that are signed on to this so far – and more coming.
April 9-15, 2012, the 99% Spring: 100,000 Americans will train for non-violent direct action. Sign [...]
Not long ago, in A Win For Labor – FAA Bill Drops Anti-Union Language, I wrote that, “negotiators have dropped the anti-union language for votes to start a union. Republicans were insisting that no-shows be counted as “No” votes. Delta’s check must have been mailed late.”
Well, not so fast. While dropping a [...]
As cities around the country trade notes on how to crack down on peaceful Occupy protesters, a chant goes up: ‘Who do you protect? Who do you serve?’ As the empire strikes back, Chris Hayes offers a plausible answer. It’s the reason for Occupy in the first place.
Citing UCLA [...]
Our captured government won’t do its job. It doesn’t keep Wall Street and banks and giant corporations from ripping us off and doesn’t prosecute them after they do. It doesn’t stop polluters — even as the effects of climate change increase. It doesn’t enforce employment and labor laws, so all of us who work fall [...]
What did the politicians in Washington think would happen? They forgot about the “We, the People” part of our Constitution. After bailing out the banks and bankers and interests of the top 1% they fiddled while our jobs burned and mortgages defaulted. With people losing their incomes, pensions and healthcare they worried about deficits instead [...]
Have you heard about Zombie ACORN? The conservative media is a-twitter with ACORN sightings over a year and a half after the right wing succeeded in killing off the voter-registering, community organizing group. Behind the 99% in the Occupy movement is ACORN, did you hear? They just won’t die.
It’s ironic. The [...]
The power of the Occupy movement will not be seen now; just as the power of the ON MAY 12th wasn’t seen on May 13th. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, according to Lao Tzu. The steps are starting to add up. The journey has begun. Hold on, it could get a little crazy out there.
We had to repost this gem from hippie One Pissed Off Liberal at Daily Kos:
#OWS: Let Me Tell You Wall Street
Asshats a Little Something About
One of the attack memes for right wingers and know nothings is that the Occupy Wall Street movement is merely [...]
The reason you see so many cell phone stores and ads everywhere is because this is a very lucrative businesses. They are pulling in billions and their executives are raking in the bucks. But they are also squeezing their workers, their customers, and our government. Right now Verizon is greedily trying to put the squeeze [...]
WISE, VA: A pregnant woman’s water broke as she awaited free dental care at the Wise County, VA fairgrounds on Saturday. She had stood in line in hot and muggy weather with over a thousand others to get a numbered ticket at the 12th annual Remote Area Medical (RAM) Health Expedition. According to RAM staffer, [...]
The latest round of argument within the progressive coalition over the Obama Administration – touched off by Cornel West’s scathing criticism – has generated a lot of heated discussion. Most of it seems to simply repeat the same arguments that have been played out over the last two years: Obama is a sellout, [...]
How do we build the progressive brand and create demand for our policies?
The New York Times ran a piece recently about a study of pop song lyrics and other studies suggesting increasing narcissism in America since the 1980s. (Big news, huh?) They found “the words ‘I’ and ‘me’ appear more frequently along [...]
Last night Rep. Alan West had a townhall in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Progressive activist & Radio Host Nicole Sandler attended and well…I’ll let the video tell the story- pay attention starting at about the 3:30 mark
I have no idea how to embed on this blog so here’s the link
Now here’s [...]
“Believe me, Progressive Congress News makes mornings easier. Surfing for 30 minutes trying to find out what I’ve missed isn’t an option. This is the best news digest I’ve seen so far.” ~Senior Staffer for a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
That sums up the reaction we’ve been getting to Progressive Congress News from [...]
I’m writing a series of posts as a blogging fellow for the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of more than 270 national and state organizations.
Here’s why:
The Strengthen Social Security Campaign launched a new campaign today “Don’t Make Me Work ‘Til I Die” designed to take on the bad [...]
(cross posted from Daily Kos:
Sorry…no soup…no pooties…not in this diary…not today… not with so much on the line this week. I’m going to attempt to be serious here and I hope you’ll agree with me on the bottom line: if we truly want the Congressional Progressive Caucus to stand up for [...]
We are geeks, and we are proud to be.
We are rational; we understand cause and effect; we understand consequences; we understand loosely-coupled distributed self-organizing systems with multiple redundant communication channels.
We are a community, not individuals entirely subject to our employers’ whims. Our personal contacts make up the backbone of the world-wide GeekWeb.
The [...]
Earlier this year, a new initiative called the Satellite Sentinel Project launched a new era in peace activism and the prevention of genocide. I wrote at the time:
A new human rights initiative may be the stuff of which peace is made.
The Satellite Sentinel Project is an [...]
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