In recent weeks, we have seen an odd flurry of articles and conservative op-ed columns attacking a number of authors and journalists who write about the Christian Right. Religion writer Mark I. Pinsky has issued the latest scurrilous screed, this time in USA Today. It is remarkable that so much prime [...]
As the presidential campaign season got underway four years ago, a Hollywood documentary about abortion hit the theaters. Lake of Fire was critically acclaimed but was a lot less than a box office smash. I watched it again recently, and am glad I did. The film is an exceptionally thoughtful — and volatile [...]
You have probably been hearing about “the debt crisis.” I can’t open a newspaper or turn on the radio or TV without hearing about “the debt crisis.” Well stop calling it that, because that isn’t what is going on. There is no debt crisis; the only crisis going on is the threat of several members [...]
While many journalists, scholars and activists have done serious writing about the theocratic Christian Reconstructionist movement and its influence on the development of the Religious Right — others have pooh-poohed it. In a recent column in The New York Times Mark Oppenheimer placed one foot firmly in the pooh-pooh camp.
Oppenheimer’s piece [...]
Canada’s Sun News Network, dubbed “Fox News North” by the media, is barely on the air for half an hour when Ezra Levant, icon of the Canadian right, starts off the debut edition of his show, The Source, by broadcasting images of the Danish Mohammed cartoons.
“What’s the big deal? We just showed it. Nothing [...]
Exactly how much does our federal government spend to fund National Public Radio? And how does that compare to other things we spend money on? And how is the federal budget like a hairy dog?
The answers to these questions and many more can be found in this fabulous video produced by
Twitter is ablaze with outrage over a tweet by Megyn Kelly the host of Fox’s “America Live.” Kelly wonders whether a woman who was beaten into a coma by a man in a dispute over a parking space “deserves it.”
Here is a news snippet about the assault:
Oscar Fuller was [...]
Remember the Enron recording where two traders were joking about how they crewed the people of California and then “Grandma Millie” was trying to get her money back?
“Yeah, now she wants her f——g money back for all the power you’ve charged right up, jammed right up her a—— for f——g $250 [...]
I tend to avoid programs produced by major network news divisions like I would the galloping herpes, but I do occasionally tune into CBS Sunday Morning. In its better moments, Charles Osgood helms a tranquil, reflective magazine foregrounding the people, places and things that define what’s best about American culture. At its worst, [...]
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