Polls show that the American Majority is much more concerned about jobs than deficits. So why is DC talking only about deficits instead of jobs, when jobs are the medicine for deficits? And why is DC only talking about budget cuts as a path to fixing the deficits, when the deficits [...]
The United States can’t have it both ways: ratifying disarmament treaties while building facilities to arm nuclear warheads.
The latest round of argument within the progressive coalition over the Obama Administration – touched off by Cornel West’s scathing criticism – has generated a lot of heated discussion. Most of it seems to simply repeat the same arguments that have been played out over the last two years: Obama is a sellout, [...]
It seems to be déjà vu at Fukushima — like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day.” Tepco is dealing with the same problems and in the same ways as immediately after the earthquake and tsunami.
Why did Deputy National Security Advisor Brennan use decapitation as a metaphor for killing bin Laden?
Is there a “block” of “centrist” voters who “move” one way or the other, to Democrats or Republicans, depending on whether a candidate takes positions that are “between” the positions of those on the “left” and “right?” This is the standard model followed by many Democratic pollsters, who advise their clients to take wishy-washy positions [...]
How do we build the progressive brand and create demand for our policies?
The New York Times ran a piece recently about a study of pop song lyrics and other studies suggesting increasing narcissism in America since the 1980s. (Big news, huh?) They found “the words ‘I’ and ‘me’ appear more frequently along [...]
Last night Rep. Alan West had a townhall in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Progressive activist & Radio Host Nicole Sandler attended and well…I’ll let the video tell the story- pay attention starting at about the 3:30 mark
I have no idea how to embed on this blog so here’s the link
Now here’s [...]
Part two in a series.
Forgive me for abstracting and oversimplifying a bit, but one might argue that American politics breaks along the following 10 lines:
Social Conservatives Neocons Business Conservatives Traditional Conservatives (there’s probably a better term, but I’m thinking of old-line Western land and water rights types) Blue Dog [...]
Part one in a series.
A little thought experiment for a Tuesday morning…
Over the past few years I have tried to make as much sense as I could out of the American political landscape. By nature, I’m a theoretically minded thinker, and the point of these exercises has been to [...]
“Believe me, Progressive Congress News makes mornings easier. Surfing for 30 minutes trying to find out what I’ve missed isn’t an option. This is the best news digest I’ve seen so far.” ~Senior Staffer for a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
That sums up the reaction we’ve been getting to Progressive Congress News from [...]
Devin Burghart of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights recently reported that a recent regional Tea Party Patriots conference held in Idaho was a far-right stew of
“…racist “birther” attacks on President Obama, discussions of the conspiracy behind the problem facing America (complete with anti-Semitic illustration), Christian nationalism, anti-environmentalism, [...]
Some conservatives see all these fact-laden critiques of our various GOP manufactroversies (see Ryan, Paul) and wonder where are the Democratic plans to solve the financial crisis? (I have been asked this, quite vehemently, myself.)
The informed reply goes something like this:
The crisis isn’t real. It’s been fabricated by the [...]
Imagine if a plant that produces a nuclear weapon’s pit, in which the chain reaction occurs, were rocked by an earthquake?
Claude Rains unavailable for comment.
A Southern California Tea Party activist and Republican Party official came under fire Saturday after it was revealed that she sent an email including an altered photo depicting President Barack Obama as an ape.
The e-mail sent by party central committee member Marilyn Davenport shows an image posed [...]
(cross posted from Daily Kos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/04/12/966317/-GOPs-Roadmap-to-Ruin)
Sorry…no soup…no pooties…not in this diary…not today… not with so much on the line this week. I’m going to attempt to be serious here and I hope you’ll agree with me on the bottom line: if we truly want the Congressional Progressive Caucus to stand up for [...]
Libya begs the question of how something as benign sounding as humanitarian intervention got such a bad rap.
Were he alive today, Al Capone would probably be a member in good standing of the US House of Representatives, representing the Great State of Illinois. We’ve all read about Capone, of course, and we know that back in the day thugs and gangsters fought the law. And the law won.
I think we’d all love to live every phase of our lives in happy accord with high moral and ethical principles. We’d love it if we were never confronted by logical contradictions and cognitive dissonance, by cases where our walk was at odds with our talk. But the truth is that we live [...]
Who is “Wisconsin’s most dangerous professor”? He’s William Cronon. Who he? He’s this incredibly threatening man [....]
[...] In 1991, Cronon completed a book entitled Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, which examines Chicago ‘s relationship to its rural hinterland during the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1991, it was awarded the Chicago Tribune’s Heartland Prize for the best literary work of non-fiction published during the preceding year; in 1992, it won the Bancroft Prize for the best work of American history published during the previous year, and was also one of three nominees for the Pulitzer Prize in History; and in 1993, it received the George Perkins Marsh Prize from the American Society for Environmental History and the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Award from the Forest History Society for the best book of environmental and conservation history published during the preceding two years.
Cross-posted at Amygdala: http://amygdalagf.blogspot.com/2011/03/gops-radical-breakage-continues.html
Cross-posted at Obsidian Wings: http://obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/2011/03/gops-radical-breakage-continues.html.html
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