Talk to anyone on the Republican side of the aisle this election cycle, and you will hear one thing over and over (and over, and over….) Namely, you’ll hear how “out-of-control” spending is killing the country’s economy and that it’s all Obama’s fault. This plays into the two great dreams of the Republican Party: 1) [...]
Welcome to the United States of Scam-erica. Or Griftopia, as Matt Taibbi calls it in his book on the Wall Street meltdown. “There are really two Americas,” Taibbi writes. For the grifter class, government is “a tool for making money,” while “in everybody-else land, the government is something to be avoided.”
Not [...]
In March 1999, Harvey Cox of Harvard Divinity School wrote of the emergence of a new “Supreme Deity, the only true God, whose reign must now be universally accepted and who allows for no rivals.” — The Market.
Omnipotent: In a kind of reverse transubstantiation The Market transmutes all things once holy into [...]
Have you heard about Zombie ACORN? The conservative media is a-twitter with ACORN sightings over a year and a half after the right wing succeeded in killing off the voter-registering, community organizing group. Behind the 99% in the Occupy movement is ACORN, did you hear? They just won’t die.
It’s ironic. The [...]
We had to repost this gem from hippie One Pissed Off Liberal at Daily Kos:
#OWS: Let Me Tell You Wall Street
Asshats a Little Something About
One of the attack memes for right wingers and know nothings is that the Occupy Wall Street movement is merely [...]
Just ten years ago this country was running huge surpluses and paying off its debt. But then we elected Obama and all hell broke loose. Oh, wait…
Something Happened
Between the time ten years ago when we had big surpluses and were paying off the debt and now when we are told the [...]
As the tumult over the S&P downgrade of U.S. debt continues, so does the fleecing of America. We are discussing slashing safety net programs that protect average citizens without jobs in this economy. Meanwhile, Washington considers the Freedom to Invest Act of 2011 (H.R.1834), corporate welfare for “super citizen” companies that moved those [...]
WISE, VA: A pregnant woman’s water broke as she awaited free dental care at the Wise County, VA fairgrounds on Saturday. She had stood in line in hot and muggy weather with over a thousand others to get a numbered ticket at the 12th annual Remote Area Medical (RAM) Health Expedition. According to RAM staffer, [...]
Ohio’s Capitol building is adding a bar that will sell beer, wine, and liquor, and feature “private happy hours” for Ohio lawmakers.
There will be no guns allowed in this bar, even though Ohio’s GOP Governor John Kasich signed a bill into law this week that allows Ohio gun owners to carry concealed [...]
Polls show that the American Majority is much more concerned about jobs than deficits. So why is DC talking only about deficits instead of jobs, when jobs are the medicine for deficits? And why is DC only talking about budget cuts as a path to fixing the deficits, when the deficits [...]
Last night Rep. Alan West had a townhall in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Progressive activist & Radio Host Nicole Sandler attended and well…I’ll let the video tell the story- pay attention starting at about the 3:30 mark
I have no idea how to embed on this blog so here’s the link
Now here’s [...]
A lot of these things conservative tropes fall apart when you apply some basic common sense. Imagine if being really rich. You probably live somewhere that you like quite a lot — otherwise, what’s the point of being wealthy? You’ve established a life in that place, and no doubt value the community, the local school [...]
Some conservatives see all these fact-laden critiques of our various GOP manufactroversies (see Ryan, Paul) and wonder where are the Democratic plans to solve the financial crisis? (I have been asked this, quite vehemently, myself.)
The informed reply goes something like this:
The crisis isn’t real. It’s been fabricated by the [...]
(cross posted from Daily Kos:
Sorry…no soup…no pooties…not in this diary…not today… not with so much on the line this week. I’m going to attempt to be serious here and I hope you’ll agree with me on the bottom line: if we truly want the Congressional Progressive Caucus to stand up for [...]
Exactly how much does our federal government spend to fund National Public Radio? And how does that compare to other things we spend money on? And how is the federal budget like a hairy dog?
The answers to these questions and many more can be found in this fabulous video produced by
Ed note: This is a feature I ran on AlterNet last week. I’m reprinting it here in its entirety because I think it’s an important reality–check.
Let us begin with this simple, indisputable truth: public employees’ unions don’t get a single red cent from taxpayers. And they aren’t a mechanism to “force” working people to [...]
Throughout the depths of the recession, there was much to be said about the disproportionate effect on men’s employment. Women, typically lower paid, and in fields not as hard hit as male-dominated fields like manufacturing and construction, were doing pretty well in comparison. (If ”doing pretty well” is defined as simply having a job.)
Ah, [...]
I’ve been blogging on Daily Kos since Fall of 2006. In that time, I’ve mostly blogged about what I call “fluff” – pooties, soups, community because to me community is the backbone of the Progressive Agenda.
In my 4.5 years there I’ve seen a lot of good, and some not so good. I’ve seen Kossacks [...]
Tue Mar 01, 2011 at 06:43 PM CST
You’re Invited: Blogger Call w/Rep. Charlie Rangel
by Spedwybabs
ShareNew 0 permalink 3 Comments / 2 New
Some of you know me and many don’t, but one of the many activites I’ve been involved with over [...]
There have been some tentative signs that the economy may be, well not quite recovering, but not falling as fast. One of these often cited is that the American consumer came back and shopped this past holiday season.
“It was the first real Christmas in years.” One retailer exclaimed.
So, are Americans earning more? Are [...]
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