In Wednesday’s debate Mitt Romney repeated his claim that cutting individual and corporate income taxes creates jobs. But when you look at what actually happened, the periods when we had the highest tax rates were the periods we had the greatest job and economic growth. And the periods with lower taxes had lower job and [...]
With their “We are the 99%” chant, Occupy Wall Street protesters call for and end to the corporate corruption of democracy, to America’s two-tiered system of justice, and to the rigged economics that concentrates the nation’s wealth in the hands of the top 1%. By cheating, says Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi, who
The massive amounts of money America’s rich spend to keep from paying taxes seems as irrational as it is obsessively ideological. There’s something creepily cultish about it. This week’s massive leak of corporate-written model legislation from the Koch brothers-financed American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has further exposed the depth and breadth of the [...]
Republicans announced something they called a “jobs plan” today. This time it’s different. It really is. This time it really will create jobs instead of just handing even more money to a few at the top at the expense of the rest of us. You might not believe this because Republicans [...]
Originally posted at my own site.
Very few things are certain in life other than life and death. In the middle we work roughly 50 years of our life and pay taxes. That much we know for sure. For the most part we are a tough working people — dedicated to [...]
As I’ve noted before, when compared to other wealthy countries, the U.S. has an extremely “limited” government and one of the lowest tax burdens.
Paul Krugman’s doing a yeoman’s job trying to insert some economic reality into our discourse, and today he offers this corrective to the popular myth that we’re “taxed to [...]
A lot of these things conservative tropes fall apart when you apply some basic common sense. Imagine if being really rich. You probably live somewhere that you like quite a lot — otherwise, what’s the point of being wealthy? You’ve established a life in that place, and no doubt value the community, the local school [...]
Some conservatives see all these fact-laden critiques of our various GOP manufactroversies (see Ryan, Paul) and wonder where are the Democratic plans to solve the financial crisis? (I have been asked this, quite vehemently, myself.)
The informed reply goes something like this:
The crisis isn’t real. It’s been fabricated by the [...]
While the hoax went down yesterday I still think Lee Camp’s Moment of Clarity is great and pertinent. Posted this yesterday on my own site.
My partner and I are getting set to mail in our taxes before the deadline approaches. We owe this year due to contract work I had earlier in [...]
Were he alive today, Al Capone would probably be a member in good standing of the US House of Representatives, representing the Great State of Illinois. We’ve all read about Capone, of course, and we know that back in the day thugs and gangsters fought the law. And the law won.
In 2009, Don Young (R-AK) signed a seditious letter drafted by a rightwing terrorist recently arrested for plotting to kill state troopers and at least one judge. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has launched a petition calling on Young to re-affirm his oath of allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. Cross-posted from Merge Left.
A “report” from Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee says that the path to job creation is cutting … the very things that create jobs. This is like saying that cutting taxes increases revenue. We know how that worked out, and the job-consequences of budget cuts are going to be just as [...]
Ed note: This is a feature I ran on AlterNet last week. I’m reprinting it here in its entirety because I think it’s an important reality–check.
Let us begin with this simple, indisputable truth: public employees’ unions don’t get a single red cent from taxpayers. And they aren’t a mechanism to “force” working people to [...]
Yesterday, on the Ed Show, Ed Schultz did a segment on Georgia’s plan to raise taxes on Girl Scout cookies, at the same time as cutting corporate taxes. It’s not just Girl Scout cookies, of course, as it impacts sales taxes generally, and as Ed remarked, such taxes fall heaviest on low [...]
Not that the truth has much to do with anything these days, but E.J. Dionne nails it: It’s a lot easier to keep cutting than it is to come up with real solutions. Of course, the current austerity trend has much more to do with the long-term political interests of the [...]
Make no mistake – the demonization of public workers is just the latest in a long series of distractions by the right wing and economic elite as they pick the pockets of the “other 95% of Americans”. This coordinated approach is nothing new, but the agenda of wealth theft is taking on a new form [...]
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