Personal responsibility does not a moral system make.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. – Matthew 6:24
President Richard Nixon once observed, “Flexibility is the first principle of politics.” But that brings [...]
“Producers” and “parasites.” Cruel language justifying extreme greed seems to be mainstream now. Even Presidential candidates feel free to disparage 99% of us! In today’s right-wing folklore government by We, the People is an evil thing that takes from “producers” and gives to “moochers,” “freeloaders,” and “losers.” Government and taxes “take money out of the [...]
To read most of the media most of the time — mainstream, alternative, or even the political blogosphere, it is hard to find much mention of Roy Moore. This is somewhat odd, since the announcement of his exploratory committee made national news.
Moore, the disgraced former Chief Judge [...]
Earlier today I offered some comments on the trending controversy surrounding Dillard’s and its involvement in an upcoming Houston event staged by anti-abortion advocate Heroic Media. That article noted some parallels with last year’s dust-up involving Target and Tom Emmer, a social reactionary running for Minnesota governor. My friend and colleague, [...]
Lots of interesting insights into the mind of homo republicanus (not that they’re homos — that pretty boy was just
Congressman Don Young, has publicly endorsed a seditious documents drafted and promoted by the leader of a militia group just indicted for conspiracy to murder at least one judge and any number of state troopers in Alaska. Will he be charged with violating his oath of office? Cross-posted from Merge-Left
So earlier this week I had the privlege of hosting Charlie Rangel’s first ever blogger call. We had about a dozen bloggers who joined us for an hour of questions and answers. Rep. Rangel was honest in his answers and has already indicated he’s eager for the next one.
Now I’ve got a [...]
Ed note: This is a feature I ran on AlterNet last week. I’m reprinting it here in its entirety because I think it’s an important reality–check.
Let us begin with this simple, indisputable truth: public employees’ unions don’t get a single red cent from taxpayers. And they aren’t a mechanism to “force” working people to [...]
Throughout the depths of the recession, there was much to be said about the disproportionate effect on men’s employment. Women, typically lower paid, and in fields not as hard hit as male-dominated fields like manufacturing and construction, were doing pretty well in comparison. (If ”doing pretty well” is defined as simply having a job.)
Ah, [...]
I suppose, as a general rule, the human animal is built to prefer knowing to not knowing, but I have been struck over the course of the past decade or so at how much worse our society has gotten at tolerating uncertainty. It’s as if having to say “I don’t know” triggers some [...]
While we’ve seen unprecedented attention on workers’ struggles in Wisconsin, Ohio and other state capitols, the GOP is pushing a bill through Congress that would make organizing transportation workers all-but-impossible. It was sponsored by House Transportation Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) who, as you might expect, is “a major recipient of campaign contributions from the airline [...]
So Frank Rich has departed the Grey Lady for smaller pastures, leaving one wondering who is to replace him on the hallowed—and increasingly right-leaning—op-ed pages of the Times. Hm…
In Walker’s grand plan, union-busting is joined with crony capitalism in the fire-sale of state assets and the moving of total conrol over health-care spending into the executive branch, and away from the legislature. It’s a 3-part plan for a new form of feudalism.
In their first published remarks since a prank caller tricked Gov. Scott Walker into thinking he was speaking with big-bucks backer David Koch himself, Koch executives said that that hoax and nearly two weeks of Madison protests have only strengthened the Koch brothers’ determination to continue to use their billions [...]
NY Daily News (ht: Booman):
Manhattan blogger Pamela Geller and her posse of anti-Islamic protesters have been branded a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Stop the Islamization of America was included in the civil rights organization’s [...]
Kerry was the most liberal senator in 2004, Obama in 2008, and this year it’s Harry Reid in the wild and whacky world of the National Journal, where facts NEVER get in the way of a good rightwing-friendly narrative.
My partner and I love doing the usual things together – going to the movies, running, dinning out and whole host of things. Really too many to list out. We also share a deep and abiding faith in social justice.
Our discussions on politics and causes can last for hours if we let them. [...]
Make no mistake – the demonization of public workers is just the latest in a long series of distractions by the right wing and economic elite as they pick the pockets of the “other 95% of Americans”. This coordinated approach is nothing new, but the agenda of wealth theft is taking on a new form [...]
Remember the Enron recording where two traders were joking about how they crewed the people of California and then “Grandma Millie” was trying to get her money back?
“Yeah, now she wants her f——g money back for all the power you’ve charged right up, jammed right up her a—— for f——g $250 [...]
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