Krugman has a good column today looking at the insanity inherent in the GOP’s new and extreme adherence to ideological purity-tests. In the middle of it, however, the following passage jumped out at me:
Supply-side voodoo — which claims that tax cuts pay for themselves and/or that any rise in taxes would lead to [...]
Exactly how much does our federal government spend to fund National Public Radio? And how does that compare to other things we spend money on? And how is the federal budget like a hairy dog?
The answers to these questions and many more can be found in this fabulous video produced by
Ed note: This is a feature I ran on AlterNet last week. I’m reprinting it here in its entirety because I think it’s an important reality–check.
Let us begin with this simple, indisputable truth: public employees’ unions don’t get a single red cent from taxpayers. And they aren’t a mechanism to “force” working people to [...]
Throughout the depths of the recession, there was much to be said about the disproportionate effect on men’s employment. Women, typically lower paid, and in fields not as hard hit as male-dominated fields like manufacturing and construction, were doing pretty well in comparison. (If ”doing pretty well” is defined as simply having a job.)
Ah, [...]
I’ve been blogging on Daily Kos since Fall of 2006. In that time, I’ve mostly blogged about what I call “fluff” – pooties, soups, community because to me community is the backbone of the Progressive Agenda.
In my 4.5 years there I’ve seen a lot of good, and some not so good. I’ve seen Kossacks [...]
Tue Mar 01, 2011 at 06:43 PM CST
You’re Invited: Blogger Call w/Rep. Charlie Rangel
by Spedwybabs
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Some of you know me and many don’t, but one of the many activites I’ve been involved with over [...]
There have been some tentative signs that the economy may be, well not quite recovering, but not falling as fast. One of these often cited is that the American consumer came back and shopped this past holiday season.
“It was the first real Christmas in years.” One retailer exclaimed.
So, are Americans earning more? Are [...]
Forget about whether you’re liberal or conservative, pro-union or anti. A simple question: in either the public or the private sector, would you not expect a college grad who has worked his or her job for 4 years to be paid significantly more than someone with a high school diploma who’s had his or her [...]
What “the great deficit debate” really boils down to is one thing: priorities.
Deficits weren’t a priority when nearly all Republicans and a good number of Democrats voted for the ill conceived and ill advised invasions and occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq close to a decade ago. They weren’t a priority when tens, if not [...]
which ends like this
I asked Lynda Hiller if she felt generally optimistic or pessimistic. She was quiet for a moment, then said: “I don’t think things are going to get any better. I think we’re going to hit rock bottom. The big shots are in charge, and they just don’t give a darn about [...]
Like all progressives, we obsess on the quest for good ‘framing’ quite a bit around here (when I lived in DC, even the cabbies and doormen were reading Lakoff).
So, here’s a frame. Over at AlterNet, I have a feature up arguing that labor markets only work when workers can bargain collectively. As it stands, [...]
Make no mistake – the demonization of public workers is just the latest in a long series of distractions by the right wing and economic elite as they pick the pockets of the “other 95% of Americans”. This coordinated approach is nothing new, but the agenda of wealth theft is taking on a new form [...]
What is the real agenda of the budget-cutters? Are they really trying to bring the country back from the edge of financial ruin? Or did they bring about the appearance of a borrowing crisis to create a public panic that enables them to impose “solutions” that change the very nature of our country — while [...]
The attack on public-employee unions in Wisconsin is in the news because of the large Egypt-style turnout of supporters at the state capital (70,000 on Saturday!), and the dramatic theater effect of Democratic Senators leaving the state to delay a vote on the measure, and give the public time to rally.
“We are the first generation to leave our kids worse off than we were. How did this happen? Why is there such a wide distance between the rich and the middle class and the poor? What happened to the middle class? We did not buy boats or fancy cars or diamonds. Why was it possible [...]
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