We are geeks, and we are proud to be.
We are rational; we understand cause and effect; we understand consequences; we understand loosely-coupled distributed self-organizing systems with multiple redundant communication channels.
We are a community, not individuals entirely subject to our employers’ whims. Our personal contacts make up the backbone of the world-wide GeekWeb.
The [...]
I spent this past weekend at the southeastern regional training for trainers (t4t) of PowerShift 2011. This event was packed with Dirty Hippies and DFH Ideas. A good time was had by all, and the earth will be better for this collective having gathered in Atlanta.
From PowerShift2011.org:
This spring, over [...]
Earlier this year, a new initiative called the Satellite Sentinel Project launched a new era in peace activism and the prevention of genocide. I wrote at the time:
A new human rights initiative may be the stuff of which peace is made.
The Satellite Sentinel Project is an [...]
You read that right….welcome to another chapter in “Dems Discover Social Media Engagement”
Tue Mar 08, 2011 at 08:31 PM CST
by Spedwybabs
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You read that right….welcome to another chapter [...]
Twitter is ablaze with outrage over a tweet by Megyn Kelly the host of Fox’s “America Live.” Kelly wonders whether a woman who was beaten into a coma by a man in a dispute over a parking space “deserves it.”
Here is a news snippet about the assault:
Oscar Fuller was [...]
Tue Mar 01, 2011 at 06:43 PM CST
You’re Invited: Blogger Call w/Rep. Charlie Rangel
by Spedwybabs
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Some of you know me and many don’t, but one of the many activites I’ve been involved with over [...]
I used to be impressed by the technique of automating a personalized greeting on fund-raising letters and other mass appeals. It seemed so smart, when these things were new, to make it more likely that someone would read and respond to a fund- raising letter by automatically addressing it to someone by name. But over [...]
In their first published remarks since a prank caller tricked Gov. Scott Walker into thinking he was speaking with big-bucks backer David Koch himself, Koch executives said that that hoax and nearly two weeks of Madison protests have only strengthened the Koch brothers’ determination to continue to use their billions [...]
We are all under attack, from public employees in Wisconsin and several other states, to the DC budget-cutters (just a few weeks after giving a huge tax cut to the rich) killing off NPR, slashing the EPA, consumer protections and so many other things government does for We, the People. Turn out tomorrow – Egypt-style [...]
You know you wanna! Just think of all those questions you’ve been dying to ask Speaker Boehner but couldn’t.
Well today is your lucky day. Today a friend got this in her inbox and forwarded to a few of her “closest friends”:
Your Interview with Speaker Boehner
Feb. 24, 2001
This is part 2 of the Building a Progressive Echo Chamber series and I’m thrilled to report, efforts have begun to crystallize and a path forward is taking shape. That path will combine effective framing for message creation with a carefully planned system of message delivery.
In that first diary, I laid out a vision [...]
Mon Jan 24, 2011 at 11:02 AM CST
I’ve Got Your Progressive Echo Chamber Right HERE (new series)
by Spedwybabs
What a Year
51 weeks ago 600+ hungry progressives gathered in Pennsylvania eager to make a difference in the life of everyday Pennsylvanians. We ate, drank, talked, networked and learned. [...]
The attack on public-employee unions in Wisconsin is in the news because of the large Egypt-style turnout of supporters at the state capital (70,000 on Saturday!), and the dramatic theater effect of Democratic Senators leaving the state to delay a vote on the measure, and give the public time to rally.
I’m writing a series of posts as a blogging fellow for the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of more than 270 national and state organizations. This first post is an introduction to the series of posts I’ll be writing which will keep you informed about Social Security, the impact of the program [...]
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