The latest round of argument within the progressive coalition over the Obama Administration – touched off by Cornel West’s scathing criticism – has generated a lot of heated discussion. Most of it seems to simply repeat the same arguments that have been played out over the last two years: Obama is a sellout, [...]
How do we build the progressive brand and create demand for our policies?
The New York Times ran a piece recently about a study of pop song lyrics and other studies suggesting increasing narcissism in America since the 1980s. (Big news, huh?) They found “the words ‘I’ and ‘me’ appear more frequently along [...]
So here I was minding my own business…getting some stuff done for my trip to DC next week when I got an email from someone I know in Rep. Jim McGovern’s (MA-03) office: “Can we talk? We’ve got a hot one for you”. So I picked up my phone curious…and then spent 10 minutes trying [...]
This radio interview with Joe Brewer, Founder of Cognitive Policy Works, explores the core challenges facing the progressive movement in the United States. Joe explains why progressives have been unable to set the political agenda in recent decades and offers insights into how to successfully frame the debate. He also describes how to [...]
You know you wanna! Just think of all those questions you’ve been dying to ask Speaker Boehner but couldn’t.
Well today is your lucky day. Today a friend got this in her inbox and forwarded to a few of her “closest friends”:
Your Interview with Speaker Boehner
Feb. 24, 2001
Like all progressives, we obsess on the quest for good ‘framing’ quite a bit around here (when I lived in DC, even the cabbies and doormen were reading Lakoff).
So, here’s a frame. Over at AlterNet, I have a feature up arguing that labor markets only work when workers can bargain collectively. As it stands, [...]
Conventional Un-Wisdom: In this district, you need to project a more moderate message, avoid sounding like or looking like a Dirty Hippie at all costs. To win, you need to win Republican votes, so you need to target them from the start. Make it a habit of “Hippie Punching” on a regular basis, it will give you the separation from those values you need to win.
Make no mistake – the demonization of public workers is just the latest in a long series of distractions by the right wing and economic elite as they pick the pockets of the “other 95% of Americans”. This coordinated approach is nothing new, but the agenda of wealth theft is taking on a new form [...]
This is part 2 of the Building a Progressive Echo Chamber series and I’m thrilled to report, efforts have begun to crystallize and a path forward is taking shape. That path will combine effective framing for message creation with a carefully planned system of message delivery.
In that first diary, I laid out a vision [...]
Mon Jan 24, 2011 at 11:02 AM CST
I’ve Got Your Progressive Echo Chamber Right HERE (new series)
by Spedwybabs
What a Year
51 weeks ago 600+ hungry progressives gathered in Pennsylvania eager to make a difference in the life of everyday Pennsylvanians. We ate, drank, talked, networked and learned. [...]
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