Talk to anyone on the Republican side of the aisle this election cycle, and you will hear one thing over and over (and over, and over….) Namely, you’ll hear how “out-of-control” spending is killing the country’s economy and that it’s all Obama’s fault. This plays into the two great dreams of the Republican Party: 1) [...]
The new Republican budget (called the “Ryan Budget” by DC insiders) reflects current electoral reality: billionaires and corporations now finance candidates, and we get government of, by and for billionaires and corporations. The rest of us no longer matter, except as “the help” and, at least to the extent we haven’t been entirely fleeced, a [...]
Is smaller government really better for the economy? Conservatives chant that taxes and government “take money out of the economy” and we need to “cut and grow,” meaning if government spending is cut way back the economy will grow as a result. Europe’s conservatives are also forcing cuts in the things their governments [...]
So much misdirected anger.
Over at Daily Kos, Zwoof has seen a rash of chain emails about “welfare junkies” who are “drug-fueled slackers.” Obligingly, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) has introduced the Welfare Reform Act of 2011 to discipline deadbeats on food stamps.
This is old news. It is Ronald Reagan’s “welfare [...]
Here is everything you need to know about how to fix the deficits and jobs problems. This is a chart of job creation over the last few years:
There is a report in Saturday’s New York Times, “White House Debates Fight on Economy,” saying the Obama administration is choosing between doing very little [...]
“The patient is sicker so we have to apply more leeches.” Countries that are trying to fix deficits with spending cuts are finding out that taking money out of their economies by cutting government is slowing their economies. Duh! Imagine that! So instead of cutting deficits the resulting slowdowns are making their deficits worse as [...]
Just ten years ago this country was running huge surpluses and paying off its debt. But then we elected Obama and all hell broke loose. Oh, wait…
Something Happened
Between the time ten years ago when we had big surpluses and were paying off the debt and now when we are told the [...]
Ohio’s Capitol building is adding a bar that will sell beer, wine, and liquor, and feature “private happy hours” for Ohio lawmakers.
There will be no guns allowed in this bar, even though Ohio’s GOP Governor John Kasich signed a bill into law this week that allows Ohio gun owners to carry concealed [...]
Polls show that the American Majority is much more concerned about jobs than deficits. So why is DC talking only about deficits instead of jobs, when jobs are the medicine for deficits? And why is DC only talking about budget cuts as a path to fixing the deficits, when the deficits [...]
In DC the elite are gathered around tables discussing budget cuts but not jobs to cure a deficit largely caused by a lack of jobs and by tax cuts. The last time these DC geniuses gathered around tables they extended tax cuts for the wealthy, dramatically worsening the deficits that are causing their fainting spells [...]
The Republican budget is SO loony it’s even scaring the right-wing nuts! How often does THAT happen?
The Republicans are voting on their budget plan this week. The plan eliminates Medicare and guts Medicaid, guts the rest of the government (except the things their oil company and military-contractor sponsors [...]
Did Koch Industries write the budget deal? Or is it just a coincidence that so many of the the things Republicans demanded — and got — just happen to line up with the financial interests of the billionaires who fund the Tea Party and much of the “conservative movement?” Cutting money for the EPA, alternative [...]
Progressive Caucus co-chairman Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., and other members of the Progressive Caucus react to Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal.
Here we are only four months into Republican control of the House of Representatives and the government is shutting down! When you give power to people who hate the government, what [...]
Exactly how much does our federal government spend to fund National Public Radio? And how does that compare to other things we spend money on? And how is the federal budget like a hairy dog?
The answers to these questions and many more can be found in this fabulous video produced by
Yesterday, on the Ed Show, Ed Schultz did a segment on Georgia’s plan to raise taxes on Girl Scout cookies, at the same time as cutting corporate taxes. It’s not just Girl Scout cookies, of course, as it impacts sales taxes generally, and as Ed remarked, such taxes fall heaviest on low [...]
Make no mistake – the demonization of public workers is just the latest in a long series of distractions by the right wing and economic elite as they pick the pockets of the “other 95% of Americans”. This coordinated approach is nothing new, but the agenda of wealth theft is taking on a new form [...]
What is the real agenda of the budget-cutters? Are they really trying to bring the country back from the edge of financial ruin? Or did they bring about the appearance of a borrowing crisis to create a public panic that enables them to impose “solutions” that change the very nature of our country — while [...]
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