Who is “Wisconsin’s most dangerous professor”? He’s William Cronon. Who he? He’s this incredibly threatening man [....]
[...] In 1991, Cronon completed a book entitled Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, which examines Chicago ‘s relationship to its rural hinterland during the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1991, it was awarded the Chicago Tribune’s Heartland Prize for the best literary work of non-fiction published during the preceding year; in 1992, it won the Bancroft Prize for the best work of American history published during the previous year, and was also one of three nominees for the Pulitzer Prize in History; and in 1993, it received the George Perkins Marsh Prize from the American Society for Environmental History and the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Award from the Forest History Society for the best book of environmental and conservation history published during the preceding two years.
Cross-posted at Amygdala: http://amygdalagf.blogspot.com/2011/03/gops-radical-breakage-continues.html
Cross-posted at Obsidian Wings: http://obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/2011/03/gops-radical-breakage-continues.html.html
I stand with my unionized sisters and brothers, especially in Wisconsin, but everywhere where teachers and unions are under attack.
I am the lead union representative for more than 100 teachers in my school.
Today, all across the country, teachers are blogging their support for our unionized [...]
One reason that Wisconsin erupted the way that it did is a long-standing disconnect between the power of the national discourse about failing schools–which people tend to buy into in the abstract–and the reality of the fact that most people feel that the schools their children go to are doing a pretty good job. 25 years of polling backs this up. Cross-posted from Mege Left
Wisconsin Republican State Senator Randy Hopper is a top target of the recall campaign being waged by Democrats and unions over Republican efforts to eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employees. The backlash has already resulted in the surfacing of details of how his family values Republicanism may not be all that he would like [...]
It’s a tough job to portray pro-union demonstrators as “thugs” when the local police department is busy issuing press releases thanking them for conducting themselves “ with great decorum and civility.”
But the Right has never been known to let reality get in the way of a good story, and the intellectual gymnastics they’re performing [...]
Here’s the thing we all know: Right-wing Republicans don’t usually win if they’re honest about what they want to do. So in order to be successful, they have to lie, coerce, threaten, manipulate and cheat their way to victory. They can’t lead on the basis of their policies, because so few people [...]
In Walker’s grand plan, union-busting is joined with crony capitalism in the fire-sale of state assets and the moving of total conrol over health-care spending into the executive branch, and away from the legislature. It’s a 3-part plan for a new form of feudalism.
In their first published remarks since a prank caller tricked Gov. Scott Walker into thinking he was speaking with big-bucks backer David Koch himself, Koch executives said that that hoax and nearly two weeks of Madison protests have only strengthened the Koch brothers’ determination to continue to use their billions [...]
This diary is the contents of an email widely distributed by Cynthia Koebert. It was written by her mother Jo Koebert to her brother. I have the permission of both Koeberts to distribute. I urge you to read it and to pass it on
Here are the words of Jo Koebert:
I am a Wisconsin [...]
What is the real agenda of the budget-cutters? Are they really trying to bring the country back from the edge of financial ruin? Or did they bring about the appearance of a borrowing crisis to create a public panic that enables them to impose “solutions” that change the very nature of our country — while [...]
The attack on public-employee unions in Wisconsin is in the news because of the large Egypt-style turnout of supporters at the state capital (70,000 on Saturday!), and the dramatic theater effect of Democratic Senators leaving the state to delay a vote on the measure, and give the public time to rally.
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