Thursday, May 7, 2015
6:58 PM
This article began as a set of notes for a presentation I gave at the Up From Debt meeting organized by Washington CAN. [Link is no longer available]
Disclaimer: I am a member of the 1%. Instead of wealth or title, I inherited good health, a [...]
Here’s a neat get-out-of-jail trick. The secret is it doesn’t usually work for ordinary crimes by flesh-and-blood people — for smoking marijuana or selling food stamps for rent money, for example. No, those people we warehouse in taxpayer-funded Corrections Corporation of America for-profit prisons. This trick works best for those who have turned [...]
The Republican War on Women demonstrates their oh-so-conservative decision to govern by the precautionary principle. Small-government conservatives have decided it is government’s job to ensure that women view ultrasound videos and have transvaginal probes before having a legal abortion. Clearly, they want to ensure — in a consumer-protectiony kind of way — that women, people, [...]
From the New York Times, another example of what happens when education goes from being a vocation to being a for-profit industry:
WASHINGTON — Last year, the Obama administration vowed to stop for-profit colleges from luring students with false promises. In an opening volley that shook the $30 billion industry, officials proposed new [...]
Immediately and Henceforth, Naked aggression shall be called “preemptive war” Propaganda shall be called “news” State kidnapping shall be called “extraordinary rendition” Water torture shall be called “enhanced interrogation” Arbitrary imprisonment shall be called “extrajudicial detention” Kleptocracy shall be called “privatization” Securities fraud shall be called [...]
As cities around the country trade notes on how to crack down on peaceful Occupy protesters, a chant goes up: ‘Who do you protect? Who do you serve?’ As the empire strikes back, Chris Hayes offers a plausible answer. It’s the reason for Occupy in the first place.
Citing UCLA [...]
Originally posted at my own site.
Very few things are certain in life other than life and death. In the middle we work roughly 50 years of our life and pay taxes. That much we know for sure. For the most part we are a tough working people — dedicated to [...]
Is JP Morgan Chase ignoring homeowners’ pleas for help because they feel they’ve done enough already? Or that they just don’t care?
Clergy members in the New York Metropolitan Area offered a new theory – maybe they’re possessed. That’s why Thursday afternoon, ministers from churches throughout the area joined New York Communities [...]
Screwing the middle class has become a Republican badge of honor. Republicans are tripping over themselves trying to find more creative ways to do it. The low-hanging fruit of suppressing their wages, shipping their jobs overseas, destroying their net worth, cheerleading them into crippling debt, and busting their private sector unions is done. The attack [...]
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