In March 1999, Harvey Cox of Harvard Divinity School wrote of the emergence of a new “Supreme Deity, the only true God, whose reign must now be universally accepted and who allows for no rivals.” — The Market.
Omnipotent: In a kind of reverse transubstantiation The Market transmutes all things once holy into [...]
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. – Matthew 6:24
President Richard Nixon once observed, “Flexibility is the first principle of politics.” But that brings [...]
This tactic of inducing public distrust of government is not only cynical, it is schizophrenic. For people who profess to revere the Constitution, it is strange that they so caustically denigrate the very federal government that is the material expression of the principles embodied in that document.
– Mike Lofgren, former GOP [...]
Teen suicides are sweeping Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Minnesota district, particularly among gay and bullied teens. The epidemic has alarmed residents as well as state public-health officials, and is leading critics to blame the Republican congresswoman and her antigay allies.
“I feel if I hadn’t moved to this district my daughter wouldn’t have died,” said [...]
I am coming late to the reporting and analysis of the Norway bombing, but allow me to connect current events with some of the themes I have been writing about in recent years.
The Norway bombing in all of its dimensions — the initial false assumption and reporting that it was Islamic terrorism; media [...]
Devin Burghart of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights recently reported that a recent regional Tea Party Patriots conference held in Idaho was a far-right stew of
“…racist “birther” attacks on President Obama, discussions of the conspiracy behind the problem facing America (complete with anti-Semitic illustration), Christian nationalism, anti-environmentalism, [...]
Who is “Wisconsin’s most dangerous professor”? He’s William Cronon. Who he? He’s this incredibly threatening man [....]
[...] In 1991, Cronon completed a book entitled Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, which examines Chicago ‘s relationship to its rural hinterland during the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1991, it was awarded the Chicago Tribune’s Heartland Prize for the best literary work of non-fiction published during the preceding year; in 1992, it won the Bancroft Prize for the best work of American history published during the previous year, and was also one of three nominees for the Pulitzer Prize in History; and in 1993, it received the George Perkins Marsh Prize from the American Society for Environmental History and the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Award from the Forest History Society for the best book of environmental and conservation history published during the preceding two years.
Cross-posted at Amygdala:
Cross-posted at Obsidian Wings:
Limitations of vision that can most readily be grasped when looking at rightwing militia groups, for example, also apply to the relatively much more sophisticated structures of traditional liberal theory. A look at a couple of recent posts this week serves to illustrate the point.
With the rise of the Tea Partiers, there’s intense competition for the title of Craziest Wingnut Holding Public Office.
But Georgia state Rep. Bobby Franklin, R-Marietta, has to be considered the top contender. He was the one who proposed a law that would require rape and sexual assault victims — but not the victims of [...]
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