From Campaign for America’s Future:

Help Fight Cantor’s Quest to Eliminate Social Security

Last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said out loud what he really thinks: He believes Social Security “cannot exist.” At all. For anyone.

This week NPR played Cantor’s remarks to the conservative Hoover Institution: He declared: “So we’ve got to protect today’s seniors. But for the rest of us? For -- you know, listen. We’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.”

These guys say things like this at right-wing think tanks, expecting that the folks back home won’t hear them. We want to make sure every person in Rep. Cantor’s congressional district hears those words straight from his mouth.

The Campaign for America’s Future isn’t letting Rep. Cantor get away with it. We have a TV ad that will let his constituents know about his extreme opposition to Social Security. But we need your help to get it on the air. The more you can donate, the more we can get his constituents to see the ad and the more we can spread the truth, and put him on the hot seat.

Click here to help us keep this ad on the air »

Here is what CAF sent out in an email:

Help us expose Rep. Eric Cantor’s plan to make sure Social Security “cannot exist.” Contribute $10, $25 or $50 to our ad campaign.

This week NPR played Cantor’s remarks to the conservative Hoover Institution: He declared: “So we’ve got to protect today’s seniors. But for the rest of us? For -- you know, listen. We’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.”

These guys say things like this at right-wing think tanks, expecting that the folks back home won’t hear them. We want to make sure every person in Rep. Cantor’s congressional district hears those words straight from his mouth.

Check out our hard-hitting ad. Then help us get it on the air.

Help us expose Rep. Eric Cantor’s plan to make sure Social Security “cannot exist.” Contribute $10, $25 or $50 to our ad campaign.

A significant ad buy in Rep. Cantor’s central Virginia district would only require 100 supporters to donate $50 each.

But the more you can donate, the more we can get his constituents to see the ad and the more we can spread the truth, and put him on the hot seat.

Help us expose Rep. Eric Cantor’s plan to make sure Social Security “cannot exist.” Contribute $10, $25 or $50 to our ad campaign.

All year, the Campaign for America’s Future has been leading the fight to protect Social Security. And our polling shows that big majorities across the country want to strengthen Social Security – including in Cantor’s district.

We helped stop the President from embracing disastrous Social Security cuts in his State of the Union address. Now, let’s make sure the Republicans know what they’re in for if they try to abolish one of American’s most successful, and most popular programs.

Thank you for all of your support.


Roger Hickey, Co-director
Campaign for America’s Future

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About the Author

Dave Johnson

Dave Johnson (Redwood City, CA) is a Fellow at Campaign for America's Future, writing about American manufacturing, trade and economic/industrial policy. He is also a Senior Fellow with Renew California. Dave has more than 20 years of technology industry experience including positions as CEO and VP of marketing. His earlier career included technical positions, including video game design at Atari and Imagic. And he was a pioneer in design and development of productivity and educational applications of personal computers. More recently he helped co-found a company developing desktop systems to validate carbon trading in the US.

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